mardi 4 août 2015


Children usually define bullying as pushing, hitting, or pulling another child's hair at or around school or in the neighborhood. They may add yelling at someone, insulting or accusing somebody of things he/she didn't do and intimidating or scaring a child to take his money or school things. Hurting someone morally such as spreading rumors about others, making fun of children, or alienating someone and leaving him/her out and not letting them integrate in a group may also be considered by children as bullying.


If People really want to breathe clean air and live without respiratory problems,they ought to take care of forests.They are known to be the lungs of the Earth since they are a source of oxygen.However,providing people with oxygen is not the only important role trees and forests play in our life.In fact rain forests or jungles that contain the majority of the largest trees in the world, typically 30 meters (98 ft) to 45 meters (148 ft) tall, are one of the vital factors of preserving our planet.

1-Why are rain forests important?
-1/5 of the world's fresh water is found in the Amazon rain-forest.They are also responsible for 28% of the world's oxygen turnover.
-They provide a natural habitat to many plant and animal species and prevent their extinction. Many millions of species of plants, insects and microorganisms are still undiscovered in tropical rain forests. 
-They help stabilize the world's climate.They cause cloud formation, for example, by recycling water vapor.
-They protect against floods, drought,and erosion.
-They are a source of medicines and are branded as "the world's largest pharmacy", as over 1/4 of natural medicines have been discovered there.
-They provide timber as well as animal products such as meat.
-They are interesting touristic destinations to visit by Eco-tourists for the ecosystem services they provide.
-They support tribal people.In fact they provide home to a huge number of uncontacted tribal groups.These tribes are nowadays in danger because of the deforestation.

2-What threatens rain forests?
-Cutting down trees for wood.
- Building roads.
- Acid rain which is an effect of air pollution.
- Illegal hunting.
- Forest fires.
- Logging and clearing forests to grow crops of corn or other lucrative products.

3-What can we do to save them?
- Manage them effectively without endangering rare species of plants and animals.
- Forbid companies to clear large areas of forests and require them to plant new trees after cutting old ones.
- Governments should create large parks where logging and hunting are not allowed.They should forbid buying illegally imported animals and punish offenders severely.
- People shouldn't use wood to make fire.
- Every single person should be thoughtful enough about the products they consume( popcorn for instance )because rain forests are cleared to make room for farms where these products are grown.
- People should organize campaigns to save the trees.

samedi 1 août 2015

7 ways in which a child may help the environment

7 ways in which a child may help the environment

If you are a child , here are seven ways in which you can help your environment. In fact helping one's environment is not a matter of age but a matter of willingness:

What link is there between corporal punishment at school and creating terrorists?

What link is there between corporal punishment at school and creating terrorists?

Corporal punishment is the deliberate application of physical pain to respond to a negative behavior. At home as well as at school, many kids are subjected to hitting, slapping, spanking, punching, kicking, pinching, shaking, shoving or choking. Teachers as well as parents sometimes use various objects to cause physical pain to misbehaving kids such as wooden paddles, belts, sticks, pins, or subject them to painful body postures such as placing them in closed spaces in order to correct an inappropriate behavior without thinking about the consequences of corporal punishment on a child’s psyche.
What is the negative impact of corporal punishment at school?